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The Blog
Information for puppy and dog owners about dog behaviour, training tips, equipment, toys and enrichment, and more!
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Aug 4, 20232 min read
Consequences of Teasing and Winding Up Your Dog...
Have you ever faked a ball throw? Or maybe you put a toy just out of reach to see what your dog would do? Have a read below and see what you

Apr 3, 20233 min read
20 Reasons to Train Your Dog!
For safety. Typically, trained dogs are safer. You can let them off lead without worrying they’ll run away. You can teach them to stay away

Mar 13, 20233 min read
Do you have a naughty dog?
The word naughty suggests that your dog is being deliberately disobedient, but is that true?

Mar 6, 20234 min read
How Much Does Dog Training Cost?
When looking for a trainer, you’ll find that the cost varies between them, sometimes by a lot! So why doesn’t everyone just pick the chea...

Feb 27, 20232 min read
Are ‘Quick Fixes’ real?
You’ve probably heard the saying that 'quick fixes' in dog training are too good to be true, and often, it is.
Quick fixes have a reputatio

Feb 21, 20233 min read
Puppy VS Rescue
Thinking of buying a puppy or rescuing a dog? Not sure which way to go? Here are some tips and advice!

Jan 19, 20233 min read
Flexi Leads - Yes or No?
People ask me all the time: "Are Flexi Leads good?" And most resources will tell you 'no', but then why do so many people still use them? Wh

Oct 21, 20224 min read
Dog Walk or Dog Experience?
Why, when we say ‘dog walk’, does it sound like a chore? Why are dog walks something that we do just to get done? Why are dog walks a task w

Sep 27, 20223 min read
Is Playing Tug Good for your Dog?
Tug is one of many dogs' favourite games to play, but there's a lot of suggestions going around that tug games are bad for your dog and can

Aug 2, 20222 min read
My dog disobeys me, and I encourage it!
Sounds crazy, right?! A dog trainer teaching their dog to not do as they're told? Well...not quite! My dog does as she’s asked to 9 times ou

Jun 3, 20223 min read
Preparing for a Baby? Don’t Forget to Prepare Your Dog!
As cute as a dog and baby are together, it comes alongside a huge safety concern, which is a huge concern for many soon-to-be parents!

May 19, 20223 min read
Tips for Training
Are you after some extra tips for training? Do you want to be able to communicate better with your dog? Or maybe you are just thinking about

Mar 24, 20222 min read
Why is Enrichment so Important?
Canine enrichment means “engaging your dog in activities designed to stimulate their mind and keep them physically fit.”

Mar 14, 20223 min read
When I was young, I was told that dogs went on walks to get exercise and that every dog needed X time of walks every single day but actually

Feb 24, 20224 min read
Who needs some new Kong filler ideas?
My dog and I LOVE Kongs! She uses a Kong when left alone, when I’m busy working, or sometimes just to make her breakfast more exciting ...

Feb 11, 20223 min read
Top 5 Mistakes New Dog Owners Make and How to Avoid Them
1. Using aversive tools to correct behaviour Aversive tools include: Shock collars Choke collars Prong collars Ultrasonic devices...

Dec 29, 20214 min read
My Favourite Enrichment: Tried and Tested!
Providing enrichment for your dog is not only crucial for their mental stimulation, but its fun for you too, and a fantastic way for you...
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