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The Blog
Information for puppy and dog owners about dog behaviour, training tips, equipment, toys and enrichment, and more!
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Aug 11, 20232 min read
The Importance of Letting a Dog ‘Win’ in Playtime.
The ‘dominance’ myth has been around for years, but there’s been a sudden increase in the amount I’ve heard this:"Never let your dog win!"

Aug 4, 20232 min read
Consequences of Teasing and Winding Up Your Dog...
Have you ever faked a ball throw? Or maybe you put a toy just out of reach to see what your dog would do? Have a read below and see what you

Apr 10, 20232 min read
Crate training - a necessity or cruelty?
So many people have crates, and their dog seems to be happy in them… but also, so many people call them cruel. Is that true? In some countri

Apr 3, 20233 min read
20 Reasons to Train Your Dog!
For safety. Typically, trained dogs are safer. You can let them off lead without worrying they’ll run away. You can teach them to stay away

Mar 20, 20232 min read
Why Choose Positive Reinforcement?
You've probably heard all these training terms like 'positive reinforcement', 'balanced training', 'force-free trainers' or 'science based t

Mar 16, 20234 min read
How to Choose the Breed for You!
I can't tell you how many people I speak to that say "we regret getting this breed". They wouldn't change their dog for the world, of course

Mar 6, 20234 min read
How Much Does Dog Training Cost?
When looking for a trainer, you’ll find that the cost varies between them, sometimes by a lot! So why doesn’t everyone just pick the chea...

Feb 27, 20232 min read
Are ‘Quick Fixes’ real?
You’ve probably heard the saying that 'quick fixes' in dog training are too good to be true, and often, it is.
Quick fixes have a reputatio

Feb 19, 20233 min read
The ‘Alpha Theory’ and Why it’s a Load of Rubbish!
Have you been told any of the following:"You need to be the leader of your pack!""Your dog is trying to dominate you!""You are the Alpha!"

Dec 19, 20225 min read
12 Dog Training Myths (and the Scientific Truth!)
Myth 1. It's Too Early to Start Training My Dog.
The TRUTH: It's NEVER too early to start training! Puppies learn new things from Day 1. I

Dec 5, 20222 min read
Is Your Garden Fun and Safe?
Our pets love their gardens, don’t they! But I’d your garden as fun as it can be? And is it safe for them?

Nov 24, 20222 min read
Firework Fears
Is your dog afraid of fireworks?
Does your dog shiver and shake at every bang? Are you feeling sorry for your pup all night long?

Oct 21, 20224 min read
Dog Walk or Dog Experience?
Why, when we say ‘dog walk’, does it sound like a chore? Why are dog walks something that we do just to get done? Why are dog walks a task w

Oct 18, 20223 min read
Private Training VS Group Classes
I often get asked which is better; private dog training or group classes, and although I have my preference, it’s not for everyone! Let’s...

Oct 3, 20222 min read
Can your Puppy go out before their Vaccinations?
It’s a common myth that puppies must stay in your house and garden until a week after their vaccinations are completed. And, in some cases,

Sep 27, 20223 min read
Is Playing Tug Good for your Dog?
Tug is one of many dogs' favourite games to play, but there's a lot of suggestions going around that tug games are bad for your dog and can

Sep 19, 20223 min read
Training Treats Reviews
Everyone always asks me what treats I use, and the honest answer is that I mix it up, otherwise they get boring! So I thought instead of jus

Aug 18, 20222 min read
How Well Have You Taught Your Dog?
So you've taught your dog to 'sit', or maybe a few other cues, but how do you know your dog actually knows the cue? How can you be confident

Jul 21, 20224 min read
Basic Pet First Aid
One of the scariest moments in every dog owner’s life is when you need emergency vet care. Unfortunately, without the flashing lights and si

Jun 17, 20224 min read
Does Breed Matter?
As a dog behaviourist, I deal with a huge range of breeds, and often get asked if a dog’s breed makes a difference to behaviour and/ or trai
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