Welcome to my awesome freebies page! Here you'll find access to lots of free resources... help yourself!
(and I'm always adding to it, so make sure to check back in!)
Socialisation Checklist
You want your puppy to be confident and friendly.
You dream of taking them with you, wherever you go!
You want to be proud to show them off.
Socialisation is crucial, and this free checklist will give you the perfect solution. From dogs to noises, umbrellas to rain, make sure you (and your dog!) feel confident about it all.

Top Ten Training Tips!
You dream of having the perfect dog, but aren't sure where to start? Well, start right here! These are some of my top tips to help you out with training - tips I tell every single dog owner I train.
Get yours for free!
Help Your Dog Beat Distractions
Your dog has the perfect 'sit'... until a guest arrives.
Your dog focuses on you brilliantly... until it's busy in town.
Your dog walks amazingly on lead... until walking past other dogs.
When you google, trainers just say 'add in distractions slowly'... but it's not that simple. I have your solution.
And, it's totally free. Enter your email address below to get started.

Focus Games for Teenage Dogs
Your dog loves you, but everything else is so much more exciting when out and about.
Your dog seems to get distracted by just about everything.
You dread walks, knowing that your dog won't listen to you.
I get it! That's why I'm offering you THREE FREE games to help teach your dog to focus on you. Enter your email below to gain access and starting heading towards a life where your dog LISTENS! (Yes - even around distractions!)
Top 10 Activities For Your Dog
You're bored of fetch and tug.
Your DOG is bored of the same old toys and games.
You're both looking for new ways to interact and bond with each other.
Google comes up with the same games, your friends just say to buy new toys, but you don't want to spend more money when your dog has hundreds of toys as it is!
Here are my favourite activities that I do with my dogs. Enter your email address below to get started!