For safety. Typically, trained dogs are safer. You can let them off lead without worrying they’ll run away. You can teach them to stay away from objects like the oven. You can have play dates with other dogs!
It's fun! Your dog will love training, as they find it enjoyable and rewarding, but it can be fun for you too! You don't have to teach anything spectacular, but even just paw or roll over gives you a great party trick to show off!
Training makes life easier for you! Imagine all the things you could do with ease if your dog would listen to you...Doesn’t everyone want an easy life with their dog? Not having to worry about taking their dog places or leaving them at home. Your dog will be easier to manage and you’ll be able to live your life without worrying about your dog.
Gives your dog mental stimulation. Mental stimulation is crucial for all dogs, but for your benefit, it will give you a calmer and more relaxed dog!
Increases your bond and betters your relationship. We all want that special bond with our dog, don’t we? Most of us have it, but some have it in the house only. Outdoors, the world is more exciting than the owner! Wouldn’t it be lovely to have that bond…everywhere?
Gives you the dream roommate. No one wants to live with a roommate who chews your shoes and steals your food!
Gives you a better understanding of your dog. You'll learn what makes your dog tick and what they love. You'll learn their fun quirks and their cheeky personalities!
Gives your dog more confidence. Studies have shown that dogs who are better trained are more confident.
Gives YOU more confidence! You'll be much more confident when out on a walk knowing your dog won't pull you over or run away. Studies have shown that owners with well behaved dogs are happier!
Teaches your dog life skills. Dogs need to know how to behave around people, other dogs, and other animals, in all different situations. Training will teach your dog manners!
Makes your dog more tolerant and self controlled. Untrained dogs have very little impulse control, which means the slightest thing excites them and they'll go wild. Something makes them startle, and there'll be a huge reaction.
Makes your dog more predictable. An untrained dog can be dangerous, as you'll never know when they might run away, bark, bite, or anything! Training reduces this risk of unwanted and potentially dangerous behaviours.
It will help you avoid behaviour problems. Studies have shown that dogs who have training at a young age are less likely to need further training when they're older to help with more serious behaviour problems.
It will save you money. If you are needing help with behaviour problems when your dog is older, this is more likely to be more expensive than the puppy training or rescue dog training. This is because during puppy training, you will learn how to prevent behaviour problems. Whereas once your dog has a behaviour problem, curing them is much more difficult.
It gives you more family time. Children often want to get involved in training dogs, because it's fun! Make a point of training your dog together as a family so you get more time together.
It helps you communicate with each other. We live with animals that speak a whole other language, so we need to be able to communicate with them. Training will not only give you the skills to ask for various behaviours from your dog, but it will also teach you how to read their body language.
Makes it easier for pet professionals to work with your dog. Teaching easy skills like sit, down, stand, and stay, professionals such as vets and groomers will be able to work with your dog much easier. This isn't just a benefit for them, but it also makes your dog's experience much more positive!
Makes your dog more sociable. With dogs and people, social encounters should be polite and positive - two difficult things with an untrained dog.
Gives you more experiences. Whether it’s the vets and groomers, or a hike and beach day, we want to take our dog with us and not worry about whether our dog will be frightened, badly behaved, embarrass us, or play up!
Gives you a happier dog. Positive reinforcement training can increase your dog's confidence, motivation, and energy levels = a much happier dog!
Ready to get started? Book a FREE discovery call with me today:
