The summer is a time for holidays, family BBQs, and fun, but it can also be a stressful period for our furry friends. With a little preparation, you can ensure that your dog enjoys the summer as much as you do. Here are some training tips and enrichment ideas to keep your dog happy, healthy, and well-behaved during your summer.

Preparing Your Dog for the Holidays
1. Practice Basic Cues
Being away on holiday is going to put your dog out of their routine, which means their usual good behaviour won't come naturally to them. Practise cues such as stay, come, settle, and leave it to ensure they will listen to you when you are away.
2. Socialization and Desensitization
If you are going anywhere new to your dog, it's likely they'll meet some new things. Perhaps you are going somewhere there'll be lots of farm animals, or you are staying in a tent which your dog hasn't done before. Where possible, introduce your dog to these potentially scary objects, sounds, and animals (etc.) in a gradual and positive way before your holiday.
3. Travel Training
If you’re traveling with your dog, make sure they’re comfortable with the journey. Get them used to the car, as well as any other vehicles such as trains, buses, or boats.
Here's my list that I use when I go away with my dog:

Dog bed, blankets, bowls, food, and treats.
Collar with ID tag, harness, leads.
Travel water bottle and bowl
Dog toys and enrichment
Dog towels
Poop bags
Treat bag
Dog seat belt
Nearest vet address and contact number for where you're staying. If your dog has a complicated medical history, I would also bring a summary of any problems and medications.
Any medication they need.
First Aid kit
If you aren't sure what to pack in your first aid kit, check out this: Basic Pet First Aid (
On Holiday
Dogs thrive on routine, so try to keep their schedule as consistent as possible. Give them regular walks and meal times, as well as any playtime or training they usually have.
2. Monitor Their Behaviour

Pay attention to signs of stress or anxiety in your dog, including panting, yawning, hiding, lip licking, over over-grooming. If you notice these behaviours, reassure them and provide a quiet space for your dog to relax. If your dog seems overwhelmed, give them a break from the activities and do something with them that helps them to settle, such as a massage or cuddle time on a bed or blanket that smells like them and home. Or distract them with something yummy like a Kong or long lasting chew.
3. Consider the Weather
If it is very hot, ensure that you are giving your dog plenty of time in the shade or in a cool area. They'll need extra water, and I'd also recommend a cool mat and cooling collar. Using a wet towel can work in a similar way.
Enjoy your holiday!!
If you'd like any extra support in helping your dog on holiday, make sure to book in a FREE call with me here: