Playing hide and seek with your dog is a fantastic way to stimulate their mind, strengthen your bond, and have some fun! Teaching your dog to play this game is easier than you might think, and finding the perfect hiding spots is an exciting game for children!

How to Start?
You want to start by ensuring your dog has a good grasp of basic cues including "sit," "stay," and "come." These cues are essential for guiding your dog during the game.
Then, start simple. Tell your dog to sit and stay, then leave the room. Call your dog to you and reward them when they get to you! Repeat this a few times.
Gradually increase the difficulty. Begin to wait in different rooms for your dog, getting further away each time. You could even try hiding in the garden!
Next, add in more challenging hiding spots! You'll understand, but remind your kids that the game is to play WITH your dog - not against them! Your dog will give up if it is too difficult, and that's no fun for anyone!
The Ultimate Hiding Spots
Now that your dog knows how to play, it’s time to get creative with your hiding spots. Here are some ultimate places to hide for an exciting game of hide and seek:

Behind Doors: Hide behind a partially open door. This spot is simple yet effective, especially in the beginning stages of training.
Under Furniture: Hiding under a table or chair can be a fun challenge, or for us adults and big kids, try crouching behind larger pieces of furniture like a sofa or bed.
Closets and Wardrobes: Leave the door slightly ajar to give your dog a hint. The scent trail leading to the closet will excite them and guide them to you.
Curtains: Stand behind a curtain and let it fall naturally. This spot works well because your dog can use both their sense of smell and sight to find you.
Bath or Shower: Hide in the bathroom behind a shower curtain or inside the tub. The closed space adds an extra layer of difficulty.
Behind Plants: If you have large indoor plants, hiding behind them can be a great spot. Just make sure the plant is stable and won’t topple over during the search.
Under Blankets or Pillows: On a bed or couch, cover yourself with a blanket or pillows. Your dog will love the challenge of sniffing you out from under the covers.
In a Box: If you have a large enough box, climb inside and close the lid partially. This can be a particularly fun spot, as your dog will need to figure out how to get to you.
Avoid Unsafe Areas. Ensure that your hiding spots are safe and won’t put your dog at risk of injury. Avoid areas where they could get stuck or hurt.
Always supervise your dog with kids during the game, especially if they’re still learning. This helps prevent any accidents or frustration.
Keep the game positive and fun. Reward your dog with treats, praise, and affection to reinforce their success and encourage them to keep playing.
Remember to be patient and consistent, and always prioritize your dog’s safety.

Happy hiding!
Have you tried playing hide and seek with your dog? Share your experiences and favourite hiding spots with me on Facebook or Instagram, and make sure to follow me!