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Why does my dog….? The Weird Questions You’ve Always Wondered! 

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Why does my dog want to play fetch but doesn’t give up their ball? 

Fetch is a fun game for your dog, and for some dogs, chasing it again is the ultimate reward! But actually, for the majority of dogs, they much prefer another game…. Maybe their idea of fun is to see how long they can keep the ball off you, or maybe they want to play tug with the ball. And if you do get it off them, yeah they’ll chase it, but they are ready for another round of “it’s my ball!” when they get back. If your dog does this, not only is it normal, but it's okay too! Just like children, dogs have individual ways to play. It is our job - and pleasure - to entertain them!

Why does my dog lick me? 

There are many reasons, mostly commonly licking is a grooming behaviour, and so licking you they are bonding with you. Another common reason for licking is to get your attention. Some dogs like to lick as a stress relief, and others simply lick because you taste good to them! 

Why does my dog eat grass? 

A common myth is that dogs eat grass to induce vomiting when they feel ill, but most vets now don’t believe this.

Instead, grass is a rich source of fibre, it tastes good, and it is a natural thing for dogs to eat. While it generally isn’t a huge concern, if they eat a lot of grass on a regular basis, you should seek veterinary advice. 

Why does my dog eat poo? 

There are so many reasons for this, including stress, hunger, boredom, anxiety, attention seeking, or various medical conditions. In addition, some mums will clear up after their puppies in this way and then the puppies learn this behaviour. Finally, it could have started due to one of these reasons, but now there is no cause other than it is a habit. 

Why does my dog chase their tail? 

Most dogs chase their tails when they are feeling particularly playful, or if they are bored and want to play. It can also be an attention seeking behaviour, learnt because most owners laugh and give the dog attention when they do it. However, if the tail chasing is obsessive and happening very frequently, there may be a medical concern and you should seek both veterinary advice and behaviourist support. 

Why does my dog hump? 

This is another behaviour with various causes. Most of the time it is an excitement or play behaviour. It can also be a stress relieving behaviour. Some dogs simply do it because it feels good. Occasionally it may be a sexual behaviour, but this is much less common than people think. If the humping has come on suddenly, and / or is excessive, medical advice should be sought out, as it can be a sign of an infection, irritation, or in males, prostate problems. 

Why does my dog stare at me?

What do they look like when they stare at you? If they are sat upright, with fairly wide eyes, almost expectantly, they likely want something, and are trying to communicate with you. Other times they may be trying to understand you. 

If they are more relaxed, they may be showing you that they love you. This isn’t a behaviour dogs typically do with each other; direct eye contact is usually a threat, so by making eye contact with you, they are showing you they are at ease and comfortable with you, 

If they look anxious or worried, they may be looking at you seeking guidance. Or, if they are tense, eye contact can also indicate aggression if they are in a situation where they feel uncomfortable or threatened. 

Why does my dog follow me? 

Dogs are naturally very social animals, and they love to be around the people they love. They are also naturally very inquisitive, so they may simply be just wondering what’s going on, or they may not want to miss out! Another common reason is that following you is rewarding, as you’ll likely talk to them or maybe even get them a treat or toy! 

Some dogs will follow you around because they are anxious to be left alone, they might be bored, or they may not know how to settle. They could also be trying to tell you something. 

Why does my dog have the zoomies? 

The most common reason for zoomies is a build up of excitement and then a release of pent-up energy. It’s common after a walk, after bath time, or after eating. The good news is that it is normal, and that only happy and healthy dogs have the zoomies, so if this is your dog, that’s great! 

Why does my dog stare at me when they’re pooping? 

This is instinct for many dogs. Pooping puts a dog in a vulnerable position, so they are looking at you to ensure they are safe. If you seem calm, they have nothing to worry about and can poop in peace. This is why dogs are more likely to stare at you when pooping out and about rather than in their own garden. 

Why does my dog roll around in the grass? 

The reason for dogs rolling in the grass is exactly the same as the reason children roll in the grass: It is so much fun! It’s also a great way to cool down in summer, or to have a good scratch! Finally, the answer no one wants… they do it to smell of whatever they’ve rolled in! And yes, to a dog, that fox poo smells incredible, so of course they want to wear it for the rest of the week! 

Why does my dog sniff other dogs’ butts? 

Dogs social interaction just as much as we humans do, but the biggest difference is that they use their amazing sense of smell to communicate. From a simple sniff, a dog knows the other dog’s sex, age, health status, and even if they are happy or aggressive! But why the butt? Why not the feet or nose? Inside a dog’s butt is their anal glands, which secrete a unique scent that can tell a dog so much information, including if they have met before, and if this will be a friendly interaction. 

Have you got any other weird and wonderful questions about dogs? I'd love to hear them! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram and comment your question so i can answer you!

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